Community Health
The Ora Toa Health Unit offers a wide range of free community health services for all people of all ages. Our vision is that the people we serve will enjoy optimum health and wellbeing.
Click the button to contact our community health services today
Community Health
We provide:
Diabetes Management
Asthma and other Respiratory Illness
Cardiovascular Risk Assessments
Cervical and Breast Screening support
Smoking Cessation Support
Childhood and Influenza Vaccinations
Youth Workshops
Advocacy and Support at Specialist Appointments
Injury Prevention
Whānau Ora Services
Additional Services
Hearing Van
B4 School Checks
Ear Suctioning Service
The Ora Toa Health Unit is located opposite Takapūwāhia Marae on Ngāti Toa Street in Takapūwāhia, Porirua.
There is wheelchair access parking directly at the front of the main building.
If you think you might benefit from joining one of our groups, feel free to come along on the day or contact our office for more information. Our group sessions include:
Kaumātua Group meets weekly
Diabetes Group meets monthly
Respiratory Group meets monthly
Arthritis Group meets monthly
Rangatahi / Youth Groups
Tamariki / Parents Groups
Mahere Ora and Diabetes Workshops
Antenatal sessions
Group Sessions
Contact Us
24/26 Ngāti Toa Street, Takapūwāhia, Porirua
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday
8.30am - 5pm
0800 672 862
Other Community Health Services
Māori Community Health
Caring for whānau through their lifespan, from pēpi to kaumātua.
Our Staff can help with:
Diabetes Management
Asthma & other Respiratory Illness
Cardiovascular Risk Assessments
Smoking cessation
Childhood & Influenza Vaccinations
Health Promotion
Advocacy & Support
Working towards respiratory care in Porirua. We endeavour to provide culturally appropriate, quality care services for all people.
Our qualified nurses provide:
Home visits
Clinic visits
Asthma Management Plans
Peak Flow monitoring
Open Tamāriki Clinic
Monthly Respiratory Support group
Asthma Service
Kaumatua Wellness
Cancer Support
Kaiārahi walk alongside and empower whānau Māori to develop plans, set goals, support them to achieve their intended outcomes and document their success along the way.
An important part of their role is to navigate whānau access to health and social services. Kaiārahi build strong relationships of trust and confidence with whānau and have an ongoing relationship.
Nutrition & Physical Activity Service
For individuals, whānau, schools & community, we offer advice on how to improve health through good food choices and increased physical activity.
We offer support by providing individualized guidance, group and whānau sessions, budgeting advice, gym sessions, Tai chi, and other physical activities.
Specific advice for individuals
Group sessions
Whanau sessions
Weight management support
Meal planning assistance
Budgeting advice
Nutrition presentations
Healthy eating promotional displays
Physical Activity Service includes:
Specific advice for individuals
Aqua exercise groups
Gym classes
Tai chi
Walking groups
Training programs
Kaiārahi Service
Domestic Safety
Physical Health
Psychological & Emotional Health
Who can refer:
Self referrals
Medical Staff
Community Agencies
Govt Agencies
Tamāriki Ora - Wellchild Service
Free growth and developmental checks for your child /whānau from birth to 5 years old.
If you require Ora Toa Tamāriki Ora/Well Child services, please phone either Porirua 04 237 0131 or Poneke 04 245 0026.
If you are calling after hours for support, please call Plunketline on 0800 933 922, or Healthline on 0800 611 116.
The service is available to all whānau (families) who have children between the ages of 0 - 5 and live between Pukerua Bay in the North and Wellington City and suburbs in the South.
Well child health checks
Tamariki / Parents Support Groups
Antenatal sessions
Development and Growth Information
Parenting Support
Smoking Cessation Support
Car seat rent to buy scheme
Recommended visits are at:
4-5 weeks
8-10 weeks
3-4 months
5-7 months
9-12 months
15-18 months
2-3 years
and 4-5 years (before school checks)
Extra visits are available. Remember to bring your child's Wellchild Tamariki Ora Health Book to every visit.
Ora Toa Tamaiki Ora Wellchild Services are based at the Ora Toa Health Unit, Porirua and the Ora Toa Pōneke Medical Centre, Wellington.
Our service provides free growth and development checks and support for your child and whānau, from birth to 5 years old. We can visit you at your home, at another venue such as Kohanga reo, puna reo or other child care centres. We also provide clinic sessions.