Tell us what you think.
Ora Toa welcomes suggestions, compliments and complaints. Your feedback gives us an opportunity to improve our services. See our brochure.
Our online form is available and should be used to:
send us a suggestion
compliment us or our staff
make a formal complaint
Fill in the online form here or email us at
What can you complain about?
A complaint can be made about any service provided by Ora Toa. We also accept complaints about any of our contracted providers.
Anyone can make a complaint about the care or service they have received.
Complaints can also be made by another person on your behalf, such as a relative, friend, parent or welfare guardian, rest home or GP.
We may need consent to respond to complaints about someone else.
If you would like to make a complaint but don’t know where to start, you can:
Contact the specific health service directly for advice
See our Complaints brochure
Fill in the online form
Contact a consumer advocate on 0800 2787 7678 (they provide a confidential and free assistance)
All complaints are treated confidentially. Please know that making a complaint will not adversely affect the care you receive. Your complaint will only be discussed with the people directly involved.
Your complaint will be acknowledged within 5 working days. In most cases the complaint will be referred to the manager of the area to be resolved directly with you.
We aim to respond to all complaints within 20 working days. If we are unable to respond in that timeframe we will advise you and let you know the reason and an expected completion timeframe. If your complaint is complex or requires additional investigation we will keep you updated on a monthly basis until it is resolved.
We take all complaints seriously. Accepting and resolving complaints gives us the opportunity to improve the services we provide. Your complaint may prevent the same issue affecting someone else in the future.